Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Čakaj me

Mojih pet minut je danes,
brez kravate in vezalk.
In če mi še stopinje vzameš,
bom kot plesalec brez plesalk.

Mojih pet minut je danes,
stražarji puškam pojejo.
Ko sonce jutru zarjo vname,
jim bodo pesmi vračale.

Mislim samo tiste misli,
ki jih seveda ne bi smel.
In ko se vrnem, bom še vedno tisti,
ki na postaji prosi: čakaj me!

Danes se mi zdijo zvezde...
Na prste stopim in so tu.
Polne žepe jih prinesem!
Verjame sreča vitezu?

Potem bom samo tvoj heroj
za večne skupne čase.
Predpražnik, senca tvojega psa.
Potem bom obešalnik, kahla za otroke,
kava v postelji, ljubimec za oba.

Wait For Me

My five minutes is today,
Without a tie and shoelaces.
And if you take my traces too,
I’ll be like a dancer without a partner.

My five minutes is today,
The guards are singing to their rifles.
When the sun lights up dawn to morning,
They will return songs to it.

I think only such thoughts
Which, of course, I shouldn’t dare.
And when I return I’ll be still
The one who begs you at the station:
Wait for me...

Today it seems to me
As if I can just stand on my toes
And the stars are there.
I’ll bring full pockets of them,
Does luck believe a knight?

Then I’ll be just a hero
For eternal hours we spend together,
A doormat, a shadow of your dog.
Then I’ll be a coat hanger, a potty,
Coffee in bed, a lover for both of us.

(translated by Gavrilo Došen)

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